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Pink Eye

What is Pink Eye?

Pink eye is an inflammation of the transparent membrane of the eye called conjunctiva. This inflammation occurs when blood vessels become swollen and irritated. The area of the eye in the membrane between the eyeball and the eyelid becomes irritated, and the white part of the eye changes to red or pink. Pink eye is annoying and can be contagious.

What is Pink Eye


Pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, spreads through direct contact with infected eye secretions or respiratory droplets. It can also be transmitted by touching contaminated surfaces or objects. Good hygiene and avoiding close contact with infected individuals help prevent its spread.

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Pink eye transmission
Pink Eye Prevention
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The contagion or appearance of pink eye can be prevented with good hygiene measures such as:

  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Change pillowcases frequently.
  • Use clean bath towels every day and avoid sharing them.
  • Do not share cosmetics or personal eye care items.
  • Avoid touching the eyes with your hands, especially if they are not clean.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of pink eye are:

  • Redness of the eyes
  • Itchy, burning eyes
  • Constant tearing
  • Sensitivity to light or photophobi
  • A gritty or splintering sensation in the eye (foreign body)
  • Discharge that hardens and becomes hard
  • Hardening of the discharge, preventing the eyes from opening


Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms by following the health care provider's recommendations such as applying cold compresses during the day and cleaning with a wet handkerchief.

Pink eye treatment includes:

  • Ofloxacion drops
  • Monofloxacin drops
  • Erithromycin drops

Pinkeye treatment plans

Common questions about Pink Eye


Viral and bacterial pink eye are highly contagious. You can reduce the spread by washing your hands frequently, avoiding touching your eyes, using clean towels and washcloths daily, and not sharing items like eye makeup or face cloths. If diagnosed with contagious pink eye, you should also stay home from work or school.

Most cases of pink eye, or conjunctivitis, resolve without medical treatment. Mild bacterial conjunctivitis typically clears up within a few days, while viral conjunctivitis may take up to two weeks. However, specific types caused by herpes simplex, varicella-zoster virus, or sexually transmitted infections may require antiviral medications.

The duration and symptoms can help differentiate between viral and bacterial conjunctivitis. If your conjunctivitis persists beyond 3–4 days without improvement, it is likely viral. Viral conjunctivitis often accompanies symptoms of a cold or other upper respiratory infections.

If you develop conjunctivitis while wearing contact lenses, it's advised to stop using the lenses immediately and switch to glasses until all symptoms have cleared. Continuing to wear contacts can aggravate the condition and lead to more serious complications. Also, consult a healthcare provider to determine if the lenses are contaminated and to get specific treatment recommendations.

Newborns with pink eye require immediate medical attention, often in person, as conjunctivitis can be serious in very young infants. If you suspect your newborn has pink eye, contact a healthcare provider promptly to determine the best course of action.

If you experience severe pain in the eye, vision problems (like sensitivity to light or blurred vision), intense redness, or symptoms that worsen or do not improve with treatment, you should seek immediate medical attention. These symptoms could indicate a more serious condition requiring prompt treatment.

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